A mindfulness love exercise...
Imagine someone who has loved you well. It might even be a pet. Dog’s have unconditional love figured out!
How does it feel?
Rest in that feeling.
Accept their love once again.
You could also say “May I know love” and spend time repeating that phrase and simply being open to love.
Take your time. Hopefully, you get a sense of being loved.
Now think of your loved ones and imagine sending love to them.
As you have them in your mind's eye you might even say “May they know love”
Send love to your family members, close friends, clients, and co-workers. Expand the circle and send love to acquaintances and to your community. Be sure to include your enemies and those that you find difficult to love. Expand the circle as far as you want even reaching out into space.
May you know love and may you have compassion for all. ❤️