Eric Janzen
Our guest today is author Eric Janzen. Eric is probably best known for his high fantasy fiction books. He's written a trilogy called The Dreamtrekker Journals Trilogy, and more recently released a new series entitled The Essence Tales. In Eric's bio, he says he will continue writing until he can't anymore.
Eric and I have known each other for quite some time, and we were both part of the Langley Vineyard during the Vineyard’s well-known renewal years, and it's the place where I would say we both got an education in the gift of prophecy and praying for others. Eric has continued to be a student of prophecy and is a volunteer and contributor to a prophetic school called Samuel’s Mantle.
Our Conversation
During our conversation, Eric defines what he's talking about when he talks about the gift of prophecy. He tells us about receiving a prophetic word that helped save his life, and we talk about the process of writing Ponder.
Then we go into all sorts of other things about prophecy. We talk a little bit about how to give a prophetic word, and how not to give a prophetic word.
Radical Prayer
Admittedly, the form of prophecy that Eric and I are talking about is a radical form of prayer. And I want you to know that I recognize that.
At the same time, what I appreciate about Eric's book and our conversation is that Eric gives us some guidelines to keep it healthy and some boundaries so that we can discern whether or not we're receiving a prophetic word that is authentic, loving, encouraging, and in Eric's words, sounds like it would come from Jesus.
I just want to say that my openness to the prophetic, in a similar way to Eric’s comes from several prophetic words that radically changed my life and my relationship with the God of my understanding. I would say the fruit of receiving these prophetic words is a more gracious and loving view of God and my relationship with God, so I appreciate Eric's book and what Eric has to say.
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Book - Ponder: Valuing and Evaluating the Gift of Prophecy
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