There’s a little bit of frost on the ground this morning.
There’s a lot going on in my life in mind right now, so getting outside is a great reminder to be quiet, empty, open, and still.
I don’t need to work it all out.
It is working itself out
and with my cooperation
it will work out exactly the way
it is supposed to work out.
Admittedly, this is a difficult posture
when you have things happening on so many different fronts.
The trees, the animals, the ocean,
the creek and reminding myself
that I am in Christ all convey
the same message and that is,
I’m OK and I’m going to be OK.
Be still.
I appreciate that I brought the "big gun" today, the Canon EOS 60 D, so I can really zoom in and take a clearer picture than I can with my iPhone...
A thin layer of ice on the puddles.
Stomping on ice when it formed
on top of puddles. I feel like I did
this much too late into my
as far as my age is concerned.
Whatever! It might be good for me
to be childlike and do it again today.
Sadness. Graffiti makes me sad.
Especially gang tags.
Another wonderful chat with
one of my trail buddies.
Can I say we’ve become friends?
I think we can, to a degree of course,
and it’s really beautiful and wonderful.