A friendly discussion with the barista at JJ Bean about whether or not Diehard is a Christmas movie. I told her I would vote "yes", but she once heard that Bruce Willis said that it is not a Christmas movie. This question sounds like something that would be trending on Twitter. I don’t know why, but it makes me smile.
I love cold air. I would much prefer to be cold than to be hot. That’s gotta be a Canadian thing, eh?
Sadness. We continue to grieve. It’s quite personal and Kath isn't ready to say anything publicly about it, so I will leave it at that.
I see my neighbour walking her dog. The dog has a nice red sweater on. She really loves that dog.
A new tree! (below) May you grow to be strong and healthy!
Contemplation. I am contemplating forgiveness this week. Well, researching it really, for a meditation that I’m going to produce. In one of the books I read from Contemplative Outreach, they provide a prayer of forgiveness and invite the reader to think of people that they need to forgive. Following the writer's suggested invitation of the Spirit I did this, not thinking that I had anyone to forgive, but I was wrong. Three or four faces appeared in my mind's eye.
May I be able to forgive.
More on that another day!
Contemplation. I once had a vision
that included a big black abyss next to a cliff.
I’ve always wondered what that void is.
Somehow, I think it is God.
My most recent thought about the void
is that it is not a noun. It’s not a thing.
It’s a way to be.
Maybe I have been doing it all along
when I practice stillness of mind and body.
At the moment, I’m standing out here next to the inlet
as I dictate this
and I’m going to do that now.
Be still.
The ocean water
but slightly rippling.
Small bubbles on the surface of the water
slowly moving out with the tide.
Geese, seagulls, crows, traffic,
a quiet cacophony of sound.
Be still.
Three geese noisily land
Some of the other geese
make noise and seem to greet them.
I went towards the bridge,
because I thought I heard an eagle.
I didn’t see an eagle, but I saw
an otter scurrying along
the bank of Noons Creek,
and the seagull, perched on a rock (photo above).
The fog might have something to do with it,
but I’m feeling a real stillness this morning.
Peace be with you!
Another new tree! (below)
New tree, may you also
grow to be healthy and strong.
This feeling of peace
makes me wonder if
I can’t carry it into my
day somehow.
May I (and you) know peace.
Full circle. I am working in JJ Bean this afternoon. Another barista offers me a free cappuccino (below) that she made by mistake. Thank you!