Recovery slogans...
I heard someone say on a podcast today that one way to approach the pandemic is to treat it like you would if you were in recovery. One of the gifts of the recovery movement is that it has provided us with some tried and true slogans, even if the slogans seem a little trite at first glance.
One day at a time.
There are a lot of unknowns right now. There is a temptation to worry about things that you don’t have any control over.
Kath and I have started to remind each other that it’s best to just take it one day at a time when we are confronted with uncertainty.
I invite you to focus on and do, the things that you can do something about and if at all possible, let go of the rest.
This too shall pass.
I saw a post from a friend of mine today who teaches in China showing a line up at Starbucks. Nearly everyone in the picture had a mask on, but that said, he was encouraging us to believe that we’ll get through this and the virus will pass.
I find the saying "this too shall pass" to be particularly helpful with my feelings, anxiety and the temptation to act out of the small self.
It's been my experience that it is not helpful to suppress your feelings, so I invite you to feel them, compassionately be with them, and then if you can, let them go.
Not necessarily a recovery slogan, but sort of... Be open
I was reminded last week in quite a powerful way - - don't obsess. When I obsess, no matter what it's about, I am doing harm to myself, and therefore, harming others too. This reminder surfaced as I was practicing openness and reading scripture with some friends online.
May you be safe.
May you know peace
and may you be well.
~ Rod