As I walk out the door, I feel a bit of a nice cool breeze on my face.
There’s a full-ish moon, slightly hidden behind some clouds, but uncovered enough to be noticed.
I’m delighted to be outside.
What do I see?
What do I hear?
What do I smell?
What do I feel on the surface of my skin?
Feeling and noticing my feet on the ground. It’s grounding!
The sound of the creek.
Mmmm. I love that gentle sound
Whoa - High tide! (photo above)
Angst and Acceptance…
Maybe because it’s Monday,
I feel a certain amount of anxiety
about the things I have to do this week.
I know I’ll feel better once I kick into
work mode and get some things done.
That said, I have been contemplating
acceptance and change all weekend.
Here’s how it goes:
I need to practice radical acceptance,
just like Tara Brach (one of my beloved teachers) says.
I let go of the idea that I can change myself
or even that I need to change.
I focus my efforts on radically accepting
every part of me,
even the things that I consider to be
flawed or bad.
I accept the past or don’t even
focus on the past.
And on a personal note,
(as if this isn’t all a personal note)
I just had this thought as I was walking along
that one of my core feelings and neuroses
is that I am not accepted.
It comes from abandonment.
I regularly say I don’t do alone very well.
Maybe diving deeper into acceptance
when feelings of not being accepted
or abandoned or rejection surfaces will help.
Of course, it will help.
That’s why I think it’s good to practice with the tools.
Practice acceptance during my meditation
and contemplation times,
and then I will be much more likely to remember
and put acceptance to use when I need it.
I pulled this capture out of the camera today, I thought it was sort of interesting...
Angst and acceptance again...
I am having angst about a feeling that I am not doing enough.
I won't delve deeper now in writing.
I'll practice RAIN -
Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture
and see what surfaces.
May I be of selfless service and may I respond in lovingkindness
to everyone I meet.
Take good care!!!
~ Rod