Photos are from today’s walk - February 25, 2020
I feel the pressure. The pressure to be better, to be different, to be more, and to change my numerous flaws. I tend to think the solution is to push myself to fix all of these things when in reality the solution is to just be.
I just participated in a quiet day with some of my contemplative friends and one of the exercises that I encouraged them to do among a couple of others in order to practice silence was to compassionately be with whatever surfaced. I was a little surprised at how this practice really resonated with people and became one of the themes of the day.
It’s been my experience that one of the ways to healing our pain is to be open to it, feel it, and simply be with it. It’s a gift of non- judgmental presence.
I tell the following story often because it was a powerful demonstration of the power of simply being with. During my spiritual direction training, one of the most powerful exercises we did was to take turns simply being with someone as they spoke and shared what was surfacing for them. We listened and shared for 15 minutes each. It seemed daunting to be on either side of this scenario.
As listeners, we were told to be aware of what it felt like to just listen and not interrupt, offer advice, or ask any questions. As the person talking we were invited to share something that we might share during a spiritual direction session. It was such a powerful experience to just be listened to like this.
We can do this - be with - for ourselves. When you become aware of the judge, pain, or other feelings simply be with them. Be with your happy thoughts and feelings too!
Being with is a form of compassion. It’s a way of caring for ourselves. As you do this it will become your natural way of being with yourself and a compassionate and healing way to be with others.
Take good care,
~ Rod