Stream of consciousness rambling (take what you like and leave the rest")...
Sufi writers talk about "hints of the beloved."
Are hints of gladness hints of love?
Tiny, tender kisses from above? ( I just wanted to rhyme there :)
I also read once that beauty equals joy.
Just take for example how you feel when
you’re doing something that you love
or you’re around someone that you love
deeply and you feel connected to them.
Isn’t there joy in the mix?
_ _ _
Hints... I’m standing next to the inlet and
just saw a fish jump way out of the water.
And another. :)
_ _ _
When I’m open and intentional about noticing
hints of gladness/hints of the beloved, I realize
that they’re all around me and that I am in it
and it is in me.
On the flip side, there is a stream of negativity and
discontent that sometimes dominates my consciousness,
especially first thing in the morning and during mid-afternoon.
Note to self:
Say "yes"
Be grateful for the work you have.
Don't look externally for happiness.
Joy and peace exist within you.
“This and even this, too“
_ _ _
The real key to joy and making peace with the present moment
for me is to (by and with grace) step out of the prison of thought.
I get trapped in, and captive to my own repetitive, negative thinking.
As soon as I become aware of that and surrender, I am free!
I don’t have to stay trapped inside that prison cell which is an
illusion anyways. When I practice self-inquiry and ask, who says
that I have to struggle? There is no answer back. There is just
eternal, connected silence.
This logic of non doing, or no struggle doesn’t apply to all things.
It's a case of "both and." Sometimes you just have to put in the "10,000 hours,"
but when it comes to your worth and value it’s just not true.
You start out innocent and OK just as you are
and you remain that way throughout your entire life.
As we get older the trick is to let go of the thoughts, perceptions,
and attitudes that get in the way of this knowledge.
Joy proceeds from the inner realization that we are already whole.
We don't have to go anywhere. We don't have to do anything
other than rest in the knowledge, form time to time, that we are OK
and that we will be okay. Ironically, again, letting go clears the way
for this knowledge and joy to be realized.
“All shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.” ~ Julian of Norwich
May I let go of the thoughts, perceptions, feelings, and attachments
that keep me from knowing and experiencing my true nature which is Joy.