Hints of Gladness - Thoughts on "This" #1

I first started using the word THIS as a kind of sacred word  and mindfulness prompt after listening to an ONBEING Podcast with host Krista Tippett and poet Marie Howe.

Interestingly, the podcast was entitled "The Power of Words to Save us."

When Marie read her poem "The Gate" the lines from the poem  jumped out at me and gradually deepened my understanding of the power of being present in an embodied way.

I put using the word THIS into practice in a meditative way , right away!

Here are the lines that impacted me so deeply:

This is what you have been waiting for, he used to say to me.

And I'd say, What?

And he'd say, This—holding up my cheese and mustard sandwich.

And I'd say, What?

And he'd say, This, sort of looking around.

"And he'd say, This, sort of looking around." As the kids say, "woof!" That line moved me to the core. At one point, when I was posting  about this interview and the impact the poem had on me, someone  pointed out being present to cheese and mustard sandwiches is being  present to the ordinary things in life. That resonated too.

Being present to the ordinary is enriching! Our lives are mostly filled with doing seemingly ordinary things like washing and putting away the dishes, doing laundry and making our bed. When we add an element of presence to these tasks we become open to how precious and delightful every moment and every task, no matter how mundane it is, is. We don't have go anywhere, and we don't have to do anything particularly special, other than be open to what is right in front of us. This, and This, and even This too.

Imagine with me what your life would be like if you consciously moved from one sacred moment to the next. How would that change your life and the world around you? That's the practice of THIS.

We're never going to be conscious of THIS 100% of the time, but when those reminders come to mind to be aware, to consciously breathe, to be fully and unconditionally present to the person you are with, or task you are doing (chop wood, carry water - Zen Koan), just do it.


Hints of the Gladness: Detachment

Contemplation with Esther Hizsa

Contemplation with Deb Arnt

Contemplation with Sue Vander Woude

Contemplation with Justin McRoberts


Rod's love of nature and interest in mindfulness, meditation  and contemplation started at a young age and really took  off when he had the opportunity to take an outdoor education  class in 10th grade for an entire school year. Since that time,  many, many, many years ago 😀 Rod has continued to enjoy  the outdoors primarily hiking, trail running, skiing and snowboarding,  kayaking, taking pictures, and praying and meditating. If you

want to send Rod a quick message, then visit his contact page here.

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